Monday, May 30, 2011

The Color Bar

The American media / public are apparently getting hot and bothered over this Dove print ad – that according to some commentators could possible be communicating that this skin cream will magically transform a black woman into a Latino woman and then, after continued use, finally to a white woman.

Now the overall racial make up of Madison Avenue is also in question and the public are demanding blood.

But isn’t it just a case of a small spark lighting a bush fire that is primed for ignition. Aren’t we all just a little sick and tired of being stereotyped and convinced that we need to buy the crap that these consumer machines feed us like blind zombies? Any trigger will do.

The industry needs to realise that what people want is authenticity and transparency. In other words, what’s hot right now is something that the global advertising industry is not.

I hope this Dove Ad and others, never reach our African shores!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tapetastic by iri5

I love non-traditional media artists and the way they can express themselves and create beautiful art with materials most of us disregard as useless or garbage. Iris Simmons aka iri5 is one of these talented artists whose amazing work, specially with old cassettes, is definitely worth checking. I was greatly surprised this morning when I watched Bruno Mars’ music video for his latest single featuring this style of art+animation. Don’t know yet if iri5 worked on this video , but she has been mentioned as inspiration. Whether you are a fan of the video/song or not, I think I rather watch some interesting work by talented artists than some ‘plump’ video hoes and Escalades ;) Oh! and not to mention that the video features the awesome Nathalie Kelley!!! Thanks Bruno….

iri5 is an imaginative painter and sculptor who is driven by an incredible passion for self-expression through art. Her works are often noted for their unique and innovative style that focuses on recycling found materials, such as old cassettes and used books. Her use of such a variety of techniques and materials make her work an excellent choice for a wide range of projects and purposes. iRI5’s art has also been featured on major websites and in newspapers and magazines all over the world.

Her name is Erika Iris Simmons. She is a self-taught artist who works with non-traditional media. Most of her materials have been discarded or donated at some point. She expresses ideas, through the arrangement of very common things, with the hope that some message is conveyed without words.
  She loves the nostalgia of the archaic and I hope that not everything which has outlived its use goes to waste. Right now she lives in Georgia : ) But she is always on the move… She is 26, graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, 2006, with a degree in Russian. ”

Check out Bruno Mars’ video for ‘Just The Way You Are’

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