Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Scale of Human Skin in Pantone.

For her latest project, Brazil based designer Angelica Dass is in the process of compiling a skin color chart of human skin tones. As a reference point for all the different skin colors, Dass has adapted a system in which she samples an 11 x 11 pixel space on the face of the subject, blends those colors, and finds the match with the PANTONE color scheme.  The color found is then placed, in numerals, at the base of the headshot.

Angelica Dass studied Fashion Design and graduated as a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Worked in the fashion industry in Brasil, moved to Spain where she has mastered in Fashion Journalism at the UNED and Photography Concept and Creation by the renown EFTI Photography School.

The aim of her photographic work is to achieve the public’s direct involvement in photography as a whole concept, as a non-passive communication between people. All her projects deepen in an important issue: social, cultural and racial identity and masks.

Human skin tone is a complex and very deep topic.  Dass’ website states the project is still a work in progress.  See the full range of human skin tones that have been collected thus far.