Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Early to start Graphic Designer

Just as I was about to publish my artististically masterful childrens graphic design handbook I find that someone has taken my idea and embellished it with more creative artwork, better intuitive design and incredible historic perspective!!!

I tip my hat to the author, Pam Pease.

It is never too early to corral kids into the design world. The earlier you start, the more literate they will be. Now to help that literacy along, book producer Pamela Pease has released Design Dossier: Graphic Design for Kids (Paintbox Press, $24).

The book is a mini-class on all the aspects of graphic design, including profiles of graphic designers, each answering a few key questions about the art and craft. The book is also a wonderful tactile experience. The interviews are on flash cards, and there are pull-outs, die-cuts, and other special effects that allow the young student (I reckon 10 to 15) a chance to interact with the material.

What’s more, it’s an actual book. While this may seem arcane for children raised in the digital age, it certainly is refreshing to see that Ms. Pease does not buy into the “print is dead” myth.

Read more: Imprint-The Online Community for Graphic Designers | L’Enfant Graphic Designer http://imprint.printmag.com/daily-heller/lenfant-graphic-designer/#ixzz15ShJYf5S
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1 comment:

  1. Gale,

    Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed the book!

    Pam Pease
